銀細工職人のキャサリン・ジーリスとの出会いは、旧市街にあるカーサ・クアトロと呼ばれるアート・デザイン・食をテーマにした複合文化施設。美しいコロニアル様式の建築物内部には前衛的な現代アートや映像作品がカジュアルに展示されている。宿からわずか10分の位置にある施設の一階部分にはショップを併設した小さなアトリエがあり、そこにはいつも創作に没頭するキャサリンの姿があった。 ベルギーに生まれ育ち、ナミュールとブリュッセルでファインアートを学んだキャサリンはアートスクールを卒業後、ブラジルをはじめ南米各地を旅に出たという。「何かが足りなくて。知識とか情熱だけじゃダメだって直感的に感じたんだ」。各地を転々と旅し、アルパカ縫製やトゥンバガ精錬など伝統的な技法を学んだキャサリンは、メキシコで出会った銀や準貴石加工に特別な感覚を得たという。ブリュッセルに戻りジュエリーデザイナーとして活動を始めたキャサリンだったが、旅の途上訪れたグアナファトの美しさは彼女の脳裏から片時も離れることはなかった。 そして20年前、ブリュッセルを離れこの街に移住することを決意した。彼女の越えて来た途方もない距離と決意は何だかとても壮大で、僕はなぜだかその歩みに嫉妬を覚えた。
There’s a cultural facility in Guanajuato’s old city center called “Casa Quattro” – its concept is to merge art, design, and food. I met Catherine there, an artist who uses silver as her medium, in a small studio surrounded by colorful colonial buildings. I became interested in the story behind how she settled here in Guanajuato after growing up in Belgium. Catherine studied fine art in Namur and Brussels. Upon graduation she decided to backpack Brazil and other parts of South America. “I traveled around for two years learning traditional techniques like Alpaca sewing and tumbaga refinement. Working with silver and semi-precious stones really gave my art a sense of direction.” After her journey, Catherine returned to Brussels and began working as a jewelry designer, but was still under the spell of this city, Guanajuato. Twenty years ago she decided to move to here. Hearing about the incredible distance Catherine traveled and her commitment to the journey made me somehow feel jealous of those experiences.
One day Catherine introduced me to Martin the ceramic artist. She met Martin at a group exhibit and the pair quickly fell in love. They now live in a house nestled between two mountains. “We’re going to have lunch now, won’t you join us?” No matter we had just met, Martin invited us into their house. Gazing at the colorful houses through the window, we ate Martin’s homemade sopa Azteca accompanied by lively conversation. Martin’s son Ernesto and girlfriend Gabriela joined after some time, making the lunch even livelier. Martin says there hasn’t been a day he didn’t touch clay, which shows in his brilliant manipulation of the material. Ernesto, too, worked on his craft intently, following his father’s footsteps as a ceramic artist. As I observed Martin and Catherine, two artists from completely different backgrounds, creating one warm and loving environment, I felt a strong will and a great open-mindedness that supported it all.
Catherine Gielis