あんなに暑かったロサンゼルスでの日々が嘘のように、ポートランドは連日の雨と肌寒い日が続いています。僕らが新たな生活を始めた場所は、ダウンタウンから川を渡ってすぐのサウスイーストという地域。いつものようにAir bnbを使いダウンタウンからできるだけ近く、女性のホストという条件でようやく見つけた一番安いアパートです。ある日散歩がてら雑貨店やアパレルショップが並ぶバーンサイドストリートを歩いていた時、定休日だったショップHAUNTの窓に貼られていた一枚のポストカードがパッと目に入った。外から両面が見えるように2枚貼られていて、表面にはブーケを手にベッドに座る女性の写真、裏面にはミランダ・レーマンと名前が印刷されている。僕はなんだかその写真が気になって、部屋に戻るなり彼女のウェブサイトにアクセスしました。そこには生々しいストロボ、バスタブに浸かる長い黒髪、傷、血、性行為のイメージが荒い粒子となって焼き付けられています。たまたま見つけたDazed Digitalのインタビュー記事には、痛みを伴う暗さや目に見えないもの、ミステリアスな物事から想像力をかき立てられる。と彼女の写真を読み解くヒントが記載されている。もはや彼女への興味を押さえきれなくなった僕は、Facebook経由で連絡を取ってみることにしました。
It’s been raining and chilly days here in Portland since we arrived. I couldn’t believe that we were in such nice and warm weather in LA. The place we’ve started living is located on South East district. Across the river from downtown. As always, we found the place via Air bnb on condition that it closes to downtown, female host and cheap. Eventually we found the best place to live in. The other day we went for a walk on Burnside Street and my eye fell on a postcard on the window of the shop, HAUNT which was closed on the day. There was a name Miranda Lehman printed on the card and the other side of it, the picture of a woman sitting on a bed hanging a bouquet which impressed my interest so much. I looked up Miranda’s website as soon as we got back home. Vivid strobe lights, black haired woman in bathtub, blood and scratches, those imagery ware attractive enough for me to got in contact to her. Furthermore I found the article interviewed by Dazed Digital which might be hint for me to learn about her. “ I love dark things. They make me ache. I love mystery too. As a teenager, film noir delighted me for these very reasons. When you begin to focus on what you can’t see and what you don’t know, your mind begins to twirl and dance looking for answers. It gets your imagination going!“
Miranda Lehman
Miranda Lehman
Miranda Lehman
意外にも早く受け取ったミランダからの返信メッセージ。ぜひ一度会いたいという僕の要望に、2日後は彼女の誕生日ということで、いっそパーティに来ないか誘われました。映像作家でもあるミランダはカルト映画が大好きだということ。映写技師の友達に助けを借りて、The Rocky Horror Picture Show(1975年)なる映画をシアター貸し切りで観るということ。そして男女問わずド派手メイクとドレスアップ(ボンテージ)をしてくるように。と彼女からのメールには記載されています。残念ながら、いや幸いと言うべきか、旅をしている僕らは仮装やメイクはしなくて良いよということでしたが、会場へ向かう足取りは正直重く感じました。そして当日、ノースウェストにある映画館Cinema 21に集まったのはフィルムメイカーやミュージシャン、アーティストなど、ミランダの仲の良いクリエイターたちおよそ30名。男たちは毛むくじゃらの体にボンテージやぴたぴたのドレスに身を包んだおぞましい姿。しかし、ようこそポートランドへとハグの嵐、初見の僕らを驚くほどあたたかく輪に入れてくれました。半狂乱の中、映画が終わると雰囲気のある映画館は瞬く間にクラブに変化。大音響の音楽と即席のミラーボールが回転を始めます。結局パーティが終わったのは午前3時。あぁ、やっぱりメイクくらいしてくるべきだった…。
Surprisingly I got quick reply from Miranda. She told me that her birthday party would take place two days later and invited us to join. According to the message she is the big fun of cult horror movies, she and her friends would gather and private screening of the movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) at the theatre as her birthday party and the participants should be wearing bondage costumes and putting heavy makeup. I felt little bit of hesitation because I completely didn’t know what was about, I was even scared But we went to Cinema 21 located on North West anyway without no costume and makeup on Miranda’s birthday. There were about 30 of her creative friends coming to the theatre such as film maker, musician and artists. They were all nice and kind to us in spit of that we were totally stranger for them. We regretted a bit that we didn’t wear and makeup when we saw their perfect ugly costumes! But I hug them all and dance together and ended around 3AM. We had a wonderful night.
5days past after the heroic birthday night, we visited Miranda’s apartment in South East where the same neighborhood we stay. Her room was quite calm so it made me get sleepy so much. She was born in Santa Barbara, California and currently lives in Portland. Both places have a delirious magic to them. One has the ocean, the other the forest. They are opposites in climate and yet each possess gorgeous light. Southern California can be so bright and crisp and blinding and warm; and Portland is so wet, and soft and dewy and dreamy. I’m inspired by both. she says. She showed her pornographic drawing that she was working on these days. I consider both her drawings and photographs depict attachment for innocent and uncleanness of sex with her dark and gothic tone. I also felt they are very fragile and sensitive. It was beautiful blight outside in Portland that day. Miranda took us to beautiful rose garden and took a photo at that time. Though I was really interested in what she took, I prefer to think it is the lovely mystery of her. We left her apartment promised to meet her again.
Miranda Lehman