At the entrance to a warehouse a giant truck waits like a beast shaking its body as strong men unload its cargo. A little early for the appointment, I push back my nerves and reach out to ring the bell. I first met artist Stephanie Simek at Yale Union. Her studio is in one of many warehouses near the Willamette River in Southeast Portland. I was interested in her work, which according to her is inspired by electronics, sound, and natural organisms. Relieved to see her big eyes greeting me, I follow her into the building.
建物の入り口では、屈強な男たちが荷積みを終えるのを大型トラックが車体を震わせて待っている。 約束の時間より少し早く着いた僕は、ドアベルを鳴らした。サウスイースト、ウィラメット川付近の倉庫街にスタジオを構えるのは、先日イェール・ユニオンで偶然出会った、アーティストのステファニー・シメック。僕はエレクトロニクスとサウンド、そして自然生物に創作のヒントを得るという彼女の作品づくりに関心を持った。親しげな大きな目に迎えられ内心ほっとした僕は彼女に続いて建物に足を踏み入れた。
“I’ll make some tea, make yourself at home.” It’s a refreshing studio with light coming from a large window enveloping the entire space. As I watch Stephanie make tea in the small kitchen, I imagine her in this space, seeping deeply into her imagination, focused on her work. The sound of brain wave messages sent into outer space by Ann Druyan come from a paper bullhorn attached to a cactus by the window. A turntable with a wooden arm spins slowly, making the sounds of earth. Letting it all sink in, I begin to understand – This room is a submarine for Stephanie to go on deep mental journeys.
「お茶を淹れるから、楽にしてちょうだい」 大きな窓から差し込む光が部屋全体を覆う健康的なスタジオ。小ぶりのキッチンでお湯を沸かすステファニーを見ていると、この部屋で空想にふけり、制作に没頭する彼女の姿が浮かんでくるよう。窓際のサボテンに取り付けられた紙製の拡声機からは、 アン・ドルーヤンが宇宙に送った脳波のメッセージが流れ、木製の触手が取り付けられたターンテーブルが地球の音を奏でている。この部屋は彼女にとって深い知的探究の旅に出るための潜水艇なのだ。
Many of Stephanie’s works are sculptures and installations that come from repetitive experiments and an exploration with magnetics. Stephanie breathes life into her art using natural materials like minerals, plants, and microorganisms. “My source of creativity comes from a sense of wonder. My instincts push me to move forward.” As I listen to her speak I feel her energetic creativity peeking through. Since she moved here from New York 7 years ago, Stephanie has had a jewelry line running parallel with her work in art. Her various types of jewelry have fans all across the globe and seem to express her personality in full.
How was the travel you went with your boyfriend Leif?
The trip was really fun. We went to London, Dublin, Berlin, Barcelona, and the Canary Islands. The island of Tenerife had sparkling black sand beaches and we got to do the most exploring there. We went above the clouds to the top of the big volcano, Tenerife.
You create wearable pieces, such as jewelry, clothes and perfume while creating art. What caused you to start it?
And is there any influence for your art? I started making and selling those accessories when I first moved to Portland about 7 years ago as a way to support myself. I think of the accessories and my other projects separately, but there is some cross-over when it comes to experimenting with materials.
How do you think living and working in Portland as an artist?
Portland has been really good to me. I moved here from New York and it was a big difference in the quality of living. It’s allowed me to take some chances, like trying to make a living off my own ideas. And it has afforded me time and space to work on my art, that is difficult to come by in other cities.
What is goal for your future?
I’m going to take some time and just focus on research and experimenting. I’ve been working for the past year or so with magnetic materials and learning about magnetic recording. I plan to keep studying in that area, and work on site in places where there are naturally occurring raw magnetic materials, like the black sand beaches I mentioned earlier.
彼との旅は本当に楽しかった! 私たちはロンドン、ダブリン、ベルリン、バルセロナ、そしてカナリア諸島を旅したわ。一番の思い出はテネリフェ島で見た黒く輝く砂のビーチ。探検めいたこともたくさんした。そう、雲より高い火山にも登ったのよ。 アートと並行してジュエリーや服、 最近では香水も発表してるよね。
そしてアートとの繋がりは? アクセサリーは、7年前ポートランドに引っ越してきた時から作りはじめたの。最初は私自身の生活を安定させるために販売してた。基本的にアクセサリーラインは、アートプロジェクトとは分けて考えてるんだけど、使う素材や試行錯誤の中で互いが重なりあうことはあるかもしれない。
Stephanie Simek