〈Notes〉Short walk with Maarit Hohteri in Helsinki, Finland
2017年10月22日日曜日の午後2時半。僕は妻と一緒にヘルシンキ西側のトーロまで路面電車に乗って写真家のマーリット・ホフテリの自宅アパートメントへ向かいました。彼女の作品「Between Us」にも度々被写体として登場する旦那さんのヴラダ、そして可愛いふたりの子どもたち、愛犬に囲まれた生活の空間。ヴラダは確かイタリア系の出自で、そのせいかジョークを交えた巧みな会話で終始家族のみんなを笑わせてた。頼んだお茶も話に夢中になって出てきたのはインタビューも後半に差し掛かった頃だっけ(笑)。室内でいくらか撮影させてもらったけど、せっかくなのでとホフテリと妻とワンちゃんとで近くの湖まで散歩しながら、写真について、被写体となる親密な人たちとの関係について、これからの人生について、静かに、丁寧に語ってくれた。黄色い落ち葉のうえに寝転んでポートレイトを撮ったり、通りがかったキッズと記念撮影したりとその短い散歩の時間はなんだかとても鮮明に覚えてる。10月も終わりに近づいたヘルシンキっぽい薄曇り肌寒い日曜日のことでした。
My wife and I headed to Maarit Hohteri’s Apartment located westside of Helsinki by tram on the Sunday afternoon 22, October 2017. We were warmly invited to her personal space where her husband Vlada, whom I saw several times in her work “Between Us”, with their two lovely kids and the dog live in. Vlada was really friendly and good at joking as he made us laughing during all thorough the interview. After shooting inside we decided to go for a walk to the beautiful lake near by the apartment. While our walk, we talked about her photography, her main subject, the relationship between her intimate people around and the life. It wasn’t so long walk but I sharply remember every each scene as she laid on the yellow ginkgo leaf in front of my camera with chilly cloudy Autumn day.
Behind the Scenes of the latest issue “NEW EAST”.
“I photograph to remember my life and people who are important. I take pictures of people close to me, trying to record the feelings and perceptions that my friends have about life. My photographs are observations on what happens around me, and by taking pictures I try to preserve moments that exist at any particular time. For me, taking photographs is one way to create a sense of continuity and meaning in this world. It is an attempt to make a seemingly fractured life in to a whole – a story with a past, present and future.”
Maarit Hohteri from the statement “Between Us”