We’ve been staying in Aska village in Sodankylä, Finland for a couple of days. We got to know Lapland based visual artist Kaija Kiuru at her exhibition in Rovaniemi and visited the artist in residence where she and her husband, researcher Timo Helle run. They live and work in a house/studio joined the residence renovated transformed from a old school. We’re interested in their unique artistic approach to environmental conservation.
Kaija’s body of art work is deeply connected to the Viiankiaapa (aapa mire extends in the Sodankylä area) where she spent a lot of time with her father who was a reindeer herder in her childhood.
“It really depends on how the artist take the way and path to involve in the subject.” says Kaija as she carefully choosing right words. “Artist has to realize what is really meant to you somehow in your career”. The Kaija’s artistic subject that she finally found in her 30 over years career, is her roots, the environmental conservation of Viiankiaapa. And ironically she has realized it because of existence of the enemy whom she has been fighting against for long time. Kaijya and Timo has been protesting the mining operations in the area of aapa mire by huge, global company with their creativity and intelligence, art and science.
滞在2日目、僕たちはヴィアンキアアパにトレッキングに行くというカイヤとティモについていくことにしました。彼らが活動の主題とする湿地帯はフィンランド北部にあるソダンキュラという地方一帯に広がっていて、その広さは65.95 km²にも及びます。これは山手線の円の内側の面積に等しく、フィンランド全土に分布する湿地帯の中でも非常に広大な部類に入ります。