Aleksandra Waliszewska (born 1976 in Warsaw, Poland) is a painter; in the last few years she has been producing mainly drawings and gouaches. In her art, Waliszewska explores non-contemporary sources. In recent years, the artist has repeatedly returned to the themes of oppression, torture, sexual subjugation and bestiality, both in the sense of hybrid species and bloodthirsty behaviour. The victims – less frequently than the perpetrators – are women, at the mercy of humanoid beasts and sadistic men. Waliszewska’s monumental opus is a morality tale for our time, one splintered into thousands of chapters, which, as the artist ironically put it, talking to Maurizio Cattelan. is a ‘warning against evil before the time of joy and sweetness comes’.
初期ルネサンスの偉大な画家たちを崇拝する彼女が綴る屈折したユートピアは、ギリシャの映像作家アティナ・ラシェル・ツァンガリの目を捉え、映画《The Capsule》の着想点となり、鬼才アグニェシュカ・スモチンスカ監督によるホラーファンタジー映画《ゆれる人魚》のビジュアルに起用されるなど、他の才能から受ける視線も熱い。
Aleksandra Waliszewska, a painter based in Warsaw, Poland, is an artist who is highly reputed not only in Poland but in Europe. In her disquieting dark world, grotesque and merciless beasts settle down with no fear of every taboo in this world such as oppression, torture, sexual obedience or bestiality. And girls entertain themselves with brutal and filthy play pretending as if they are innocent. The distorted utopia, created by Aleksandra who worships the great painters of the early Renaissance, has been loved by artists from a different field. A Greek filmmaker Athina Rachel Tsangari was inspired to create a movie “The Capsule” and a remarkably talented director Agnieszka Smoczynska used her paintings as the image of a horror fantasy movie “The Lure”. I can be available after dark. After receiving an email from her, I headed for snowy Warsaw, hoping to find the human nature of this talented and mysterious painter. I opened the door to her apartment feeling dizzy with anxiety and curiosity.
“The Lure”
ポーランド映画『THE LURE』が『ゆれる人魚』として2018年春に日本で公開。『THE LURE』は2016年サンダンス映画祭・ワールドシネマコンペティションドラマ部門審査員特別賞をはじめ世界各国で数々の受賞を果たしたホラー・ミュージカル映画。ポーランドの女性監督アグニェシュカ・スモチンスカ氏の長編デビュー作。1980年代、共産主義時代下のポーランドを舞台とし、ハンス・クリスチャン・アンデルセンのド童話『人魚姫』にツイストを加え、ふたりの肉食人魚姉妹が少女から大人へ成長していく姿をエネルギッシュでワイルドに描く。
The Lure (Polish: Córki dancingu – “The Daughters of Dance Party”) is a 2015 Polish horror musical film directed by Agnieszka Smoczyńska. It tells of two mermaids who emerge from the waters and perform in a nightclub. One falls in love with a man, and gives up her tail, but loses her voice in the process. The story is a reworking of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, with inspiration from Smoczyńska’s experiences. After a Polish premiere, the film screened at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival and Fantasia Film Festival, to mixed reviews.
“Corki Dancingu”
Ballady I Romanse
『THE LURE』の音楽を手掛けた音楽担当はポーランド・エレクトロバンド、Ballady i Romanseのヴロンスカ姉妹(人魚のモデルになった姉妹)によるオリジナル版「Córki Dancingu」。アレクサンドラ・ヴァリシェフスカはジャケットのアートワークを手掛けた。
Interview with Aleksandra Waliszewska
I’ve never experienced winter in Warsaw before. It’s more freezing than I expected.
I know. I seldom go out during fall and winter. I think I only go out to see a doctor. In summer, days get longer and I do occasionally go out, but basically, I stay in this apartment. I’m very interested in your daily life.
あなたの普段の生活に興味があるんだ。 普段はどんな一日を送っているの。
How do you spend your day?
I enjoy my breakfast, look at the Web, and always listen to a political program on the radio. And I start painting usually in the afternoon. There is nothing special much. This apartment is very cozy with a lot of big plants, like an attic or a hideout.
Can you tell me about this room?
Originally, my grandmother owned this apartment. I’ve heard that she found this place in the 1950s and created a lot of works here in this room. She was a famous sculptor. You can see her books and works here and there. My mother was also a sculptor. After I was born, we lived here together. This is the place where my family lived and created.
It looks like a good place to work with the calm mind.
Well, I’ve never felt comfortableness in painting. That’s surprising. How are you feeling when you are painting? I think I am always feeling fear as if the sky is falling down on my head because I know too well how hard it is to create. Every time I paint, I am on the edge of saneness.
That’s surprising. How are you feeling when you are painting?
I think I am always feeling fear as if the sky is falling down on my head because I know too well how hard it is to create. Every time I paint, I am on the edge of saneness.
Do you feel your talent?
I do not believe in such a thing. Hard working is the only way to create wonderful works.
制作は毎日しているの? 休日は?
Do you paint every day? Any days off?
I’ve painted every single day since I was 15 years old, struggling with my weakness. I believe that every artist should face with his/her work at all costs, but artists these days look rather lazy to me. It looks like they believe that inspiration comes from the sky or something.
You mean, you don’t expect miracle or mystique in art?
“You snooze you lose.(寝ている間に機会を逃す) ”それが真理。ある到達点に達するまでひたすら筆を動かし続けないと。描きたいとか描きたくないという問題ではないの。私は19世紀ルネサンス初期の偉大な画家たちの仕事を崇拝してる。彼らはすべてを芸術に捧げた人たち。それ以降の芸術家の実力や権威は落ちてく一方よ。
“You snooze you lose”. That’s all. All I need to do is to keep on painting until I can reach a certain point. It’s not about if I want to paint or not. I worship the great artists in the early Renaissance in the 19th century in that they devoted everything to art. Since then, the capability and authority of the artists keep on falling.
When did you paint for the first time? Tell me about your childhood.
I started to paint when I was five. I painted anything interested me such as horse, naked woman, UFO, and so forth. Especially, my interest in sexuality appeared in painting. I think my curiosity for sex and human body made me paint. Also, my mother, who was naked when she was creating, influenced me a lot. She was so wise, free and totally creative. Then, I went to an art school in my teens. My professor was very much into the academism of the 19th century and taught me a lot of things. I am deeply fascinated by your mysterious, disquieting and dark world.
A girl who misconducts herself with a devilish monster covered with soft hair, a man who shows his own innards peeling off his skin, or a cat that sharpens its claws in a den in its face; their sorrows and somehow optimistic appearances grasp my heart. I want to know the source of this unique view and story.
I believe that it is nothing but foolish to explain my own works. There is no point in naming the art or categorizing it. Paintings need not be translated into words, don’t they?
You mean, you leave the explanation to the viewers?
It is all about what you see and what you feel. If I need to say something about my work, I have to call myself a critic or a writer, which is not my job. I want people to interpret by themselves. My struggle ends when I finish my work. I think each viewer should find his/her answer by facing with the work. Indeed, I tend to be inquisitive about the intention or theme to hear from the artist before reacting with my own sense. One of the reasons why old masters were great is that they kept silent. What still remains are only their works, not their words. Artists tend to say things stupid once they open their mouths. I believe that we all should be silent a bit more. The works should be the thoughts and words of the artists.
どうにかあなたの創造の世界を紐解きたい。 では、あなたに最も影響を与えたものは?
Still, I want to get a clue to your world of creation. What influenced you most?
さっきも言ったように、私はモダンアート以前の芸術を愛してる。その時代の絵は数年かけて鑑賞するに値するもの。まるで底の見えないアイデアの源泉のよう。いつもどこかに新しいきっかけを見出すことができるし、観るたびにこれまで気づかなかった新しい価値を発見できる。私のお気に入りは、Hans Memling, Enguerrand Quarton そしてNicolas Poussin。あとはグロいホラー映画や本から着想を得ることもあるわ。
As I just said, I love the art before the modern art. Those paintings are worth observing over the years. They are like the bottomless source of the idea. I can always find a new clue somewhere and every time I see, I can discover a new value. My favorites are Hans Memling, Enguerrand Quarton, and Nicolas Poussin. I also get ideas from grotesque horror movies and books.
There are a lot of your works in this room. How do you feel about your own works?
They are the most adorable things of all to me. Honestly, I do not want to sell the original pictures because money can never compensate them. Even if my work is sold, I can never be happy. I just regret. If possible, I want to keep them all in this apartment. You don’t want to sell your child to someone you don’t even know, do you? It is sad indeed that I have to sell my paintings for a living.
You upload your works on the Internet such as Facebook, Instagram or Tumblr, don’t you? And you have thousands of followers. Do you care about the reputation when you paint?
When I am painting, I care nothing at all about what people think, but after finishing it, actually, I do. You know, I am just a human being. But the thing is, I am always the first and the most important viewer of my work.
Check out more article about Waliszewska on issue6 “New East”.
born 1976, lives and works in Warsaw. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He deals with painting. Multiple scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. Her works have been published, among others by: “Timeless Editions”, “My Dance the Skull”, “FUKT”, “United Dead Artists”, “Les Editions Du 57”, “Drippy Bone Books”, “Editions augummi” and the pictures were used as CD covers among others Chicaloyoh, Scarcity of Tanks, Mike Doherty and the Populist cycle released by Bolt Records. In 2012, Greek director Athina Rachel Tsangari made the film “The Capsule” inspired by her work (www.thecapsule.info). Waliszewska is his co-writer and played a supporting role there. The premiere of the film took place at DOCUMENT 13 in Kassel. In 2013, she won the AECA award for the best foreign artist at the ARCO art fair in Madrid.