Man in Object (Continuation of the series “Man in Animal”) The idea of this series is related to the stories and tales of Malian childhood that still follow today. These are stories that work like moral lessons, stories that teach us how to behave in life, to help us understand our future and the connection of man to the object. It is through these stories that one can learn to get a…
Read MoreMehdi-Georges Lahlou
OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE BIRDS (2017) The figure of the virgin appears over and over again in this exhibition and recalls Catholic and well as Islamic iconography. Mehdi-Georges Lahlou goes about entangling codes and origins to produce hybrid icons. In Conference of the birds, the face of the Madonna is replaced by birds. The title, taken from a Persian poem of the same name written in the 12th ce…
Read MoreMo Baala
Born in 1986 in Casablanca. Lives and works in Marrakech and Taroudant. Self-taught multimedia artist, Mo Baala spent his childhood and his youth in the heart of the souks and bazaars of his heart town, Taroudant in southern Morocco. His passion for reading, cinema, music and philosophy, as well as his particular interest in traditional arts and crafts Moroccan, African and elsewhere consti…
Read MoreAleksandra Waliszewska
アレクサンドラ・ヴァリシェフスカ 画家/ポーランド・ワルシャワ Aleksandra Waliszewska (born 1976 in Warsaw, Poland) is a painter; in the last few years she has been producing mainly drawings and gouaches. In her art, Waliszewska explores non-contemporary sources. In recent years, the artist has repeatedly returned to the themes of oppression, torture, sexual subjugation and bestiality, both in the sense of hybrid …
Read MoreKatya Abedian
“Skin Diver” 映像作家/カチャ・アベディアン While Katya Abedian’s classmates were out celebrating the end of their high school careers in 2016, she was at home dreaming up a narrative rich with unapologetic diversity – and acceptance thereof. Now, just two years later, her cinematic dream-world has come to life. Skin Diver premiered at the Labia on the 6th of April, and stars dynamic fe…
Read MoreOana Tudoran
You Dance Alone Bucharest, Romania Social Media: A floating island of neurosis induced triggers molten beneath the pillars of genuine creative beings; Oana Tudoran is one of these pillars, and with her hands dancing across my screen in soft aesthetic story, I knew she was more than just a dancer, but It wasn’t until I interviewed her that I discovered she was a writer, and a …
Read MoreIn Marrakech, African Photography on Its Own Terms
マラケシュにて、アフリカ写真界は独自の道へ A new museum in Morocco becomes a destination for contemporary art. モロッコに美術館が新設。現代美術のホットスポットになれるか。 By Sean O’Toole The life and work of Leila Alaoui, the celebrated Moroccan documentary photographer, looms large over Marrakech’s newest art institution. Alaoui, who at age thirty-three was shot and killed during an al-Qaeda attack in Ouagadougou, Bur…
Read More愛すべきは、旅の退屈。at Timeless Gallery
〈 写真展:静岡 Timeless Gallery 〉 静岡県静岡市、海沿いの町・用宗にある「時」をテーマに暮らしの道具をセレクトするTimeless Gallery。かつては喫茶店だったという緑の蔦で覆われた静かな空間で旅の写真展を開催させていただきます。最終日10月6日(土)には静岡駅近くのスノドカフェにてアフターパーティーも開催。展示しきれなかった写真も交え、スライドショーと旅の話でささやかな小旅行へお連れいたします。軽い食事や旅をイメージしたオリジナルドリンクもご用意していますので、ぜひお気軽にご参加ください。 Studio Journal knock Photo Exhibition 愛すべきは、旅の退屈。 開催期間/9月21日(金) – 10月6日(土)11:00-20:00 場所/Timeless Gallery 静岡県静岡市駿河区用宗1-27-5(用宗駅より東へ…
Read More平成30年7月豪雨チャリティー写真展「Ima / COLOR」
山口県・山本写真機店にて本日より開催されます平成30年7月豪雨チャリティー写真展「Ima / COLOR」に参加させていただいています。会場及び、山本写真機店さんのサイトでも作品をご購入いただけます。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 特設ページ 会期:2018年8月18日(土)〜8月31日(金) 9:00〜19:00(日曜日は10:00〜18:00) 場所:GRAFTO(山本写真機店内) 出展作家 浅田政志 在本彌生 内田ユキオ かくたみほ 泊昭雄 中川正子 西山勲 ハービー・山口 濱田英明 広川泰士 広川智基 (50音順・敬称略) 作品掲載ページ Special Thanks(ロゴ&コピー制作) チョークボーイ 藤本智士 FUJIFILM *額は付属しません。プリントのみの販売となります。 *プリントサイズは4切り。フォーマットに合わせて余白を設けたプリントとなります。 *作品…
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