Artist Jay Nelson lives in Outer Sunset, San Francisco. He creates artistic habitats RVs, treehouses that are lovable and practical, with creativity that seems to overflow out into the rest of the world. We received a message from Jay and packed our RV in Los Angeles, heading for foggy Ocean Beach.
From central San Francisco we head west for half-an-hour. As we near Outer Sunset, droplets begin to form on the windows until suddenly we are immersed in dense fog. “You can hit my car, it’ll be fine. Go for it!” says Jay with a laugh, watching me struggle with a difficult parallel parking spot. This is Jay Nelson, his boyish blue eyes twinkling, who is constructing his latest work of art with friend Nick. Slicing a gentle curve out of plywood, he creates a leaf shape and tacks it onto the spherical piece. “In the end it will look like a Japanese buoy. We’re making a chair that hangs from the top.” Jay shows me a simple sketch but he takes time designing the details of the piece. Neighbors begin to gather as if it were an art installation. “It’s a small community. Everyone gets to know each other here. Creative and attractive friends have gathered to Outer Sunset. I think we all influence each other in a positive way.” Jay gets his piece to a point and asks, “We’re all about to go surfing, you wanna go?” Overly conscious of the concept of community, I feel embarrassed that I hadn’t even tried to find my own door to community. “Of course!” I say, and we chase Jay’s car as it disappears into the fog.
“I’ll grab my wetsuit,” says Jay as we arrive at his house. The owners of restaurant ‘Outerlands’ David and Lana live in the same compound. Outerlands has become something like a symbol for the neighborhood of Outer Sunset. “My friend just caught this,” says David, offering some fresh Amberjack sashimi. I added to the mix some beer I brought. Jay’s wife Rachel welcomes us warmly from their house in the back. Jay and Rachel are renovating an old house a few blocks away that they plan to move to soon. Despite the fact that we said we will sleep in our car, “There’s nothing there but it has a bathroom and the electricity works,” says Jay as he hands us the keys to his new house. Custom Campers and tree houses; Jay’s art pieces, having roots in his nomadic background, all have something in common: Their function as shelter that protects people from cold, hunger, and dryness. Jay’s first piece came about when he bought a Honda CIVIC for $200 and added a dome to it. Rachel and Jay drove across the country in that car. “I made a car that I could work and sleep in, and it turned into this sort of art piece,” recollects Jay. It feels as if his inherent warmth transfers to his artwork without dropping temperature. His pieces are individually unique yet somehow reminiscent in shape and form. I’m already a big fan.
「ウエットスーツに着替えるから」とジェイに連れられて彼の自宅へ。緑に囲まれた敷地には、今やアウターサンセットの象徴となりつつあるレストランOuterlandsのオーナー、デイヴィッドとラナも住んでいる。「友達が釣ってきたばかりなんだ」デイヴィッドがさばいた新鮮なカンパチを刺身でいただき、僕は手みやげに持ってきたビールを差し出した。奥にあるジェイの自宅からは彼の妻レイチェルがあたたかく迎えてくれる。ジェイとレイチェルは近く引っ越す予定で数ブロック先の古い家を自分達でリノベーションしている真っ最中だ。取材中は車で寝ると言っていた僕らに「何もないけどトイレはあるし電気もつく。泊まったらいいよ」と新居の合鍵をひょいと渡してくれた。カスタムキャンパーやキャンパーボート、そしてツリーハウス。ノマディックなバックグラウンドから生まれるジェイの作品に共通するのは夜の寒さや飢え、乾きから身を守る“シェルター”としての機能だ。200ドルで手にした古いHonda CIVICにハンドメイドのドームを乗せた最初のキャンパーでレイチェルとアメリカを横断したというジェイ。「仕事したり寝ることのできる車を作ったら思いがけずアートとして脚光を浴びた」と当初を振り返っている。彼の飾らないあたたかさは温度を保ったまま作品に映し出されているように思える。個性的だけど、どこか懐かしさを感じるカタチや手触り。僕はすっかり彼のファンになってしまった。
Ocean Beach is chilly today with dense fog and strong wind. “They’re fun waves!” Even junky waves on a day like this are fun when friends are around. Dave and Nick, as well as Jeremy, owner of popular coffee shop ‘Four Barrel Coffee’ join in and they paddle out. I’ll join too! I thought, so I waded into the ocean up to my waist, careful not to wet the camera. An unexpected wave sweeps me off my feet and my spirits sink. I watched over the surfers from the shore for an hour, my legs against my chest, shivering.
濃い霧雨と強風で、肌寒いオーシャンビーチ。少々ジャンクなこの日の波も、仲間が一緒なら「they’re fun waves」だ。デイヴィッドにニック、サンフランシスコの人気コーヒーショップFour Barrel Coffeeオーナー、ジェレミーも加わりパドルアウト。それなら僕も!とカメラを濡らさないよう素っ裸で腰までつかるが、突如現れた小波にさらわれ意気消沈。1時間ほどビーチで震えながら、膝を抱えて彼らを見守った。
Toyota Pick Up Camper (2013)
“Let’s go.” Jay leads us to the mountains of Mill Valley in a light rain. After projects in Kauai Island of Hawaii and Ukiah, California, Jay had built a 15-foot treehouse. “It should become part of the tree. To do that you need to truly understand the tree first. For me, that’s the most fun part of making a treehouse.” Supported by four strong trees fifteen feet above ground, the space within the treehouse emits a special resonance when someone walks, or rain hits the roof.
“The process of making a treehouse is truly physical and creative,” says Jay. If the purpose of a treehouse is to be harmonious with trees, then designing the structure and utilizing specialized techniques and knowledge as well as a flexible sense of imagination is crucial. Jay started his career as a painter. He’s often asked if there is a connection between painting and his other work like treehouses and campers. “Painting definitely affects all my other work. When I trap my self in the studio and face a blank canvas, I’m able to return to nothing.” Jay’s distinct art seems to maintain a radiant brilliance by moving back and forth between freedom and restriction.
Jay Nelson