You Dance Alone Bucharest, Romania Social Media: A floating island of neurosis induced triggers molten beneath the pillars of genuine creative beings; Oana Tudoran is one of these pillars, and with her hands dancing across my screen in soft aesthetic story, I knew she was more than just a dancer, but It wasn’t until I interviewed her that I discovered she was a writer, and a …
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フィンランド北部、ラップランドのソダンキュラにあるアスカという村にやってきました。100km南にある都市ロヴァニエミのナパギャラリーで個展を開催中のアーティスト、カイヤ・キウルと彼女の夫でありリサーチャーのティモ・ヘッレが運営するアーティスト・イン・レジデンスに滞在し、彼らのアートを通じた環境保全活動について取材しています。 We’ve been staying in Aska village in Sodankylä, Finland for a couple of days. We got to know Lapland based visual artist Kaija Kiuru at her exhibition in Rovaniemi and visited the artist in residence where she and her husband, research…
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